Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Mission Statement


A Uganda where –

1. Children suffering from Haemophilia are:
a) Free of pain and
b) Empowered to live a normal life so that they may grow into responsible citizens who will contribute to the country’s growth.

2. Families affected by Haemophilia are empowered to deal with the situation through education.


The Foundation has as its mission:

1. To provide a fellowship for persons with haemophilia and similar conditions, for their families and those concerned in their health and welfare.

2. To promote the personal interest, treatment, rehabilitation, lifetime care, and advancement in life, of all people with haemophilia and related genetic bleeding diseases.

3. To provide up-to-date information and guidance, which promote effective measures of care.

4. To promote full participation and equal opportunity for all in community activities, education, recreation, and employment.

5. Advocate for adequate services to meet the needs of people with haemophilia.

6. To provide or seek individual assistance welfare, participation, opportunity, and advocacy.

7. To, where possible and within the means of the Foundation, financially assist persons with haemophilia and similar conditions needing such assistance.

8. To strive to facilitate adequate treatment facilities and access to safe products for the treatment of haemophilia at the best financial dispensation possible.

9. To provide representation, at a regional and national level, to ensure that adequate and safe supplies of treatment products, and other treatments or cares are available.

10. To act as a consultative body to Government.

11. To render its services in the Republic of Uganda.

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